

Easy climate top interface for the windspharm

This is the top layer of packaging for the windspharm package.

See also


calc_absolute_vorticity(u_data, v_data[, ...])

Calculate absolute vorticity (sum of relative and planetary vorticity).

calc_divergence(u_data, v_data[, ...])

Calculate horizontal divergence.

calc_gradient(data_input[, truncation, R, ...])

Computes the vector gradient of a scalar field on the sphere.

calc_helmholtz(u_data, v_data[, truncation, ...])

Calculate irrotational and non-divergent components of the vector wind.

calc_irrotational_component(u_data, v_data)

Calculate irrotational (divergent) component of the vector wind.

calc_nondivergent_component(u_data, v_data)

Calculate non-divergent (rotational) component of the vector wind.

calc_planetary_vorticity(u_data, v_data[, ...])

Calculate planetary vorticity (Coriolis parameter).

calc_relative_vorticity(u_data, v_data[, ...])

Calculate relative vorticity.


Calculate relative vorticity and horizontal divergence.

calc_rossby_wave_source(u_data, v_data[, ...])

Calculate Rossby wave sources (RWS).

calc_streamfunction(u_data, v_data[, ...])

Calculate stream function.


Calculate stream function and velocity potential.

calc_velocity_potential(u_data, v_data[, ...])

Calculate velocity potential.

calc_wind_speed(u_data, v_data[, R, ...])

Calculate the wind speed (magnitude of vector wind).